Monday, October 22, 2007

# 13

Well I have had a quick look and I have to say that I really like the layout of Rollyo more than that of Delicious. I understand that tags are a great idea, like some kind of subject heading but without using Library of Congress...yes I have to confess I am in cataloguing! Anyway, when I think about it is a not only another 'social networking tool' ( I thought that was going to the pub for a drink with some friends...but I am over thirty!) but a form of using metadata. I went to a talk on metadata once, sounded very interesting, sounded like the kind of thing that libraries should get more involved with to make their collections more accessible to "generation now"...I think that's what they are called.
Anyway, as impressed as I am with the technology I simply don't think I would use this site much, but somehow the concepts behind it could be of great value to a library, I will just have to think about exactly how.
I also found some great links to knitting blogs which I have added to my Bloglines account.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rollyo #2

Well I have reloaded my rollyo link and I'm sorry to say I haven't got the time to go back into RSS feeds and try them again. But it works!!!! It's strange how some links like that are really easy to add (like Rollyo) and others are not so...ah technology.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Well I have created a copule of search rolls using Rollyo, and even added a widget again to search my search rolls from this blog. I have not had much of a chance to see if it is working well though, so anyone reading this fee free to have a go! I did two search rolls one on recipes and one on knitting.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Image Generators

Here are some of the images I have created using image generators.The Andy Warhol (izer) was from FD Toys and the other two images were both from Generator Blog.
What fun, there is not enough time in my day! I also found a generator for that Bob Dylan song where he holds up all the lyrics on cards in front of him as he sings...I'm sure I can use that for something!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 5: Play week Library thing

Wow, what a great site! I love Library thing! Gone are all the notebooks full of books I have read, because, let's face it I can't always remember titles. No, now I am part of the cyber age, a modern woman who always forgot to write titles down until months later when I had vague memories of the book. Well, welcome to the modern age, what a great site. Being visual I also love the fact that I can display my list by cover and even change the cover so that it corresponds to the actual cover of the edition I have read. What joy, to browse the titles with such ease!

I have also added a widget (?) to enable visitors to my blog to serch my books. I have to thank Georgeous papercutz for that as she showed me the light i.e. how to add it. I look back on Bloglines and whilst I like the idea of the site I don't think I will use it too much. I will try to load the link from Bloglines to my blog again...just not today - I am feeling a little tender at the thought of the frustration involved last week. No, better to have fun and play as is the aim of the week. So, Librarything, I am a big fan.

I have also suggested to my book club that we join. (We have been muttering about making a website for years and it has always just seemed like too much hard work.)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bloglines #2

Well lets just say that I have tried a few times and still I am unable to link my bloglines to my blog. In the inerests of sanity I am going to move on. After having read other Library 2.0 blogs I have come to realise that I am not the only one who has had issues with this process! It feels like it should be sooo simple, however I have to admit defeat...for today!

I spent yesterday at the ALIA Conference and am feeling pretty pumped about the ideas I came across.

One was from Lismore Library where they have successfully run "Living Book" days when voluteers become'books' and lenders are able to ask them questions for 30 mins. It sounds like it was a great success and I'm feeling all inspired and motivated. Here is the link for anyone who is interested.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Linking Bloglines to my blog

Well, after at least half an hour of attempting to make the link to bloglines work I give up! Thanks to Lorraine and Liz for their expert advise......but for some unknown reason I can't work out how to change my username in bloglines as requested by the link. So essentially I am trying and will have another go later on this week!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Well I have opened my bloglines account ans added a couple of links to it. It seems pretty easy but I really want to see it in action and check when it updates the information and whether it is a tool that I would be interested in using. I have added several other library members blogs as links and I really like the idea of RSS but still need more time to play with it and get the best out of the technology. Happy blog -lines!