Sunday, September 30, 2007


O.K. A new week and a new sense of motivation!!! I moved on the weekend and now have time to really get into the Learning 2.0 Program ( although I am wondering if that is just an excuse not to move too much as my back is aching!).

Sooo, technology...what do I think. I see kids gliding their way effortlessly across the cyber world and whilst I wonder what I'm missing I also wonder about how easy they make it look. When I was in primary school we had 'Computer classes'. These consited of learning how to instruct a 'turtle' to draw a shape. This was done on the old Apple computers, I rememeber being really taken with the multi-coloured apple symbol on the computer!

I am really aware of how my mind simply does not function on the Internet like that of my 14 year old niece....and I'm not that old! I really think that the concept of how we interact with technology is something that is all about our perception of that technology. It does not have to guide us, it is a fantastic tool that we can manipulate without losing our sense of community, in terms of the library, and self on a personal level.


Glenn said...

I remember drawing with that turtle thing!! And you had to turn by typing in how many degrees you wanted to turn. I had completely forgotten about that. I do remember accidentally deleting the entire classes stories that were written on a little apple mac computer when i was in grade 6 - that wasn't a good day.

Ktg said...

Oh, my, did that totally ruin your self confidence with computers?? Actually you seem to be going all right now!