Wednesday, November 21, 2007

# 23 Is this the end???

Wow after spending lots of time procrastinating the 'end is nigh'. What a great idea aside from all the issues with trying to find time at work to complete this I think it has been a really good idea. (Currently my branch is getting painted, hence I am able to finish the course so fast). I have used google docs to write a presentation and even added some images from image generators! When I have time I will use Rollyo to create a list of all the links i have discovered during this course so that i can find them all again. I really enjoyed lots of the course and think it will promote lots of discussion and opens up many possibilities for tools we can utilise in the library. Alot of the tools I will be happy to show members and I feel alot more confident with the technologies of Web 2.0.

#22 Audio books

i love the idea of audiobooks on the net. I even found a Kurt Vonnegut book (my favourtie author) that I had never even heard of!!! I did not download it because I am at work. I wonder about how long it takes to download an item and also issue around copy writing...lots of issues to explore. But in general I think the idea of access to many readers online is a great idea and a very interesting one for the library

#21 Podcasts

I think that podcasts are agreat way of incorporating the activites that occur in the physical library into the online'branch' of the library. Author talks, events anything that is applicable for an online user would be great to add to a libraires websites. I think adding podcats to Bloglines is trickey as the podcast I wanted to add didn't have an RSS feed button and would not add by being cut and pasted. Anyway I still mnanaged to add one to my bloglines!

#20 YouTube (take two)

So i have managed to psot two videios from YouTube onto my blog and I am quite proud of myself. I found the site itself really easy to use ONCE I HAD WORKED OUT HOW TO USE THE EMBEDDED information. I tried cuttingand pasting the web address and various other things so all I have to say about YouTube is that I think it would be great to have obvious directions as to how to add/save content from YouTube on the site somewhere obvious. I have found that once I have worked out how to use alot of these sites I am able to use most of them as they work on the same principles.

#20 YouTube

#19 Web 2.0 Tools

O.K. So i had a go of a few different tools to see what I thought. Cool me old school but I would still rather listen to an album than Last FM which I found didn't really have the muscicians I like and when it did it didn't have the songs I wanted to her. Then I tried Cocktail builder, now this I thought was great idea where you typed in one or two ingredients and it offered you recipes with just those ingredients and some including added ingredirents - what a cool idea...I wonder if there is a similar tools for recipes, now that would be a great idea!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Google Docs

I have just done a presentation using Google docs, what a fantastic idea. I can really see it being useful for library members, kids, students anyone wanting to use library computers who does not have Power point etc on thier own computer or even if they do not have access to any computers other than public ones.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

# 18

I have had a go @ using ZOHO writer and it's a great idea. I'm all for sharing the technology and open access to all and this seems a perfect way to give many more people access to programs!

#17 Playing around with PBWiki

I have added my blog to favourite blogs under our library and found it pretty easy by just cutting and pasting. I found reading the Wiki a little confusing as it was like reading streamof conciousness coming from a few different people at once!

# 16 Wikis

Reading about Wiki's on a basic level is great, who knew that the term WIKI came from a Hawaiian phrase meaning something fast. I also really love the idea that there are "editing wars" going on out there in cyberspace, where various people edit the same entry to alter the entry in line with their opinions. I think that Wikis are a great resource BUT, (oh yes there is a 'but') I am concerned about how kids/users use them as reputible sources of information without questioning where that information originates. Are users able to delineate between information that is informed and reputible and information that is totally subjective?
I could go on about all those post-modern arguements about history simply being one version of events, that is that everything is subjective we just dress it up as objective.
I don't know if I really agree that Wikis 'democratize' Internet, because in a library situation any online forum/ Wiki needs to be monitored for offensive content. I think it would be irresponsible of libraries to not check the content of a Wiki for racist, sexist etc. content and, as such be responsible for not sanctioning such content.

Having said all this..I use Wikipedia alot and find it very useful for quick reference enquiries. I also thought that the video explaining how Wikis work was great

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

# 15 Technorati

I like the idea that people out there are thinking about the sorts of things that Technorati is! I would never have thought that people need to access the best blogs or that people want to know what other bloggers are blogging. I found a great knitting video but am still unable to add one to this blog. I will try again..who would hav thought it???? Go into edit html and then add the paste codes...I have tried so many times, prepare to be inundated...enjoy!!!